Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Ying Rong Received Our Care Package (New Photos!)

We sent a care package and letter to Ying Rong about three weeks ago. It arrived in China last week. The orphanage took photos and a video of her receiving her package. In our letter, we told Ying Rong that we are adopting her and that we will come for her as soon as we can. The orphanage sent us a message saying she is happy and misses us. I hope she is happy.We can't wait to see her again!!!!! Even though we haven't completed our home study or dossier, we've already started making unofficial travel plans :) 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Our Lady of China

The Blessed Virgin first appeared in Donglu, China in 1900. Donglu is a few hours drive from Beijing. It's been reported that Holy Mary has appeared in Donglu as recently as 1995.  The site of the apparition is over 1,000 miles from where Ying Rong has lived all her life -  
You can read more about this at:

Fundraising at the Fair

This past weekend our good friends set up a booth at our parish fair to raise money for Ying Rong. Many generous people from our parish contributed to our adoption fund and we are truly grateful.

Our friends made Ying Rings and bracelets, and small, handcrafted finger puppet dolls to sell, and for prizes. I enjoyed meeting new people and talking about Ying Rong as they visited the booth. All during the fair I was thinking how nice it will be next year to have Ying Rong with us - she will have so much fun playing games, bouncing in the jump house, riding the train, eating cotton candy and having her face painted. She will be welcomed by a wonderful and loving Catholic family community!