Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Adoption Update

We are still working on our dossier and home study paperwork. We are about to submit 8 important documents to the Chinese Consulate in Chicago for authentication, and we are very close to submitting all of our documents to the agency doing our home study. We have applied for one adoption grant and are waiting to hear if we will receive any funds. After our home study is approved we are free to apply for many other adoption grants; most granting organization require families to have an approved home study. We are looking forward to new photos and an update from the orphanage this month!

It has been a beautiful fall here in Kansas, with lots of sun and warm weather. We are preparing for winter and already looking forward to spring, because that is when we hope to be able to travel to China to get Ying Rong! There is so much to look forward to!

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